Interior Centre Update

The Interior Centre at The Amazing Brentwood is closing this May as the 28-acre Master Plan transformation continues.
The Amendment to The Amazing Brentwood Master Plan is still under review with the City of Burnaby and is aligned with the City’s Official Community Plan and ensures that we remain flexible to evolving market demands, municipal mandates and lifestyle trends.
In anticipation for its approval, the existing Interior Centre will be closing this May as we prepare for the site’s next phase featuring world-class SHAPE homes, green spaces, walkable boulevards and pedestrian street front shops, creating a new retail experience at the centre of The Amazing Brentwood Master Plan.

Closure Areas

Entrances to the Interior Centre will be closed along with parts of the surface parking lots. This includes:
- Level 1: Former CIBC Entrance
- Level 1: Entrance by Brentwood Dental
- Level 2: London Drugs Entrance
- Lower East Lot (Previous Lower Sears)
- Upper North Lot (By London Drugs)
- Upper East Lot (Previous Sears Rooftop)